Why Straighten Teeth?

A brilliant smile’s appeal is universal. It transcends all barriers of background, language or age. Symmetrical, straight teeth give you a more beautiful smile, but the benefits of straightening your teeth go beyond cosmetic charm.

Straighter teeth are healthier teeth. Malocclusion — the technical term for a misalignment of the teeth — leads to uneven wear, greater risk of tooth damage and difficulty with oral hygiene. Crowded or overlapping teeth are a challenge to brush or floss thoroughly, while gaps allow the organisms responsible for tooth decay to gain a firmer foothold. Rows of straight teeth wear evenly.

“Having a radiant smile is only one reason to seek straighter teeth. You’ll also enjoy better health, and that’s reason enough for anyone to smile.”

Malocclusions affect more than your teeth. The hinge of your jaw — in medical terms, your temporomandibular joint — encounters undue strain when your teeth cannot meet properly. Because important nerves lie near this joint, inflammation of the area can lead to migraines, ear pain, neck pain and ringing in the ears. A poor bite can also cause difficulty chewing food or speaking clearly.

Having a radiant smile is only one reason to seek straighter teeth. You’ll also enjoy better health, and that’s reason enough for anyone to smile.